Welcome to the Nut House – Spry Digital Announces Launch of What-A-Ya Nuts?! Website

Howie Sher is a man on a mission. As “Head of State” for What-A-Ya Nuts?!, an all-natural snack food company based in St. Louis, he wants you to think about what you’re eating and he’s going to make you smile in the process. With a grin-inducing brand and a hardcore following on Facebook (not to mention distribution at local grocery chains, movie theaters, and specialty stores), when What-A-Ya Nuts?! asked us to to produce the website, you can imagine what we said.

The goal for us was clear: create a delivery mechanism for the What-A-Ya Nuts?! brand to express itself in the only way it knows how: FULL ON. The site, built on the WordPress content management system, includes a jQuery interactive feature and animated “easter eggs” that invite the visitor to explore the depths of “Snack In Sanity”. We also employed responsive web design techniques so that What-A-Ya Nuts?! is always putting its best face forward, whether viewed on a desktop monitor, tablet or smart phone.

What-A-Ya Nuts?! is truly a one-of-a-kind brand and we’d be nuts to say that we didn’t have a great time building it. Tell us what you think and make sure to check out What-A-Ya Nuts?! around the web.